The real impact of earwax

Want to know what causes ear wax? Google it, there are plenty of sites that will tell you why. 

But the real issue with ear wax build up is the human cost.

George, 72

He has noticed that recently he has been struggling to hear one-to-one conversations. 

He doesn’t want to worry his family so when they come to visit, he just sits and nods occasionally and pretends to fall asleep, so they leave early… 

Eric, 80

Most of the time he doesn’t even hear the phone ringing anymore, and even when he does, he doesn’t answer it. He can’t make out what the callers are saying…

Sarah, 66

Susan lives next door and pops around every day to check on her, Sarah has been leaving the door unlocked for her as she never hears the doorbell these days, her TV is always on full blast, and it’s keeping Susan’s kids awake on school nights… 

Charlie, 12

Even if he sits at the front of the classroom, he can’t follow the lesson most of the time. His classmates have been teasing him about it and he no longer plays with them at break time. He spends a lot of time alone in his bedroom these days, his mom is worried… 

Doris, 70

She has been making excuses rather than going to lunch with her friends, she gets embarrassed when she can’t follow the conversation due to the background noises. So she stays at home and watches the world pass by through her window… 

Hearing loss can be devastating, isolating the sufferer. 

Yet all of the cases above were treatable. All of them had been suffering from impacted wax. 

Once we had removed it, and with regular checks to prevent a recurrence, they are able to carry on with their lives. 

These are our clients, of course, their names have been changed, but this is what we do, and they are the reasons we do it…


Ear Wax Build Up: Why It Happens and How We Can Help